The Global FoodBanking Network seeks to create a hunger free world and actively assists food bank operations in over 40 countries across the globe to achieve the same. Bangalore Food Bank follows and replicates the Global FoodBanking Network's successful systems and practices in Bengaluru.

OUR vision

Our vision is to Eradicate Hunger, Malnutrition & Prevent Food Wastage


  • To create a supportive environment to address the issues of hunger and malnutrition.
  • To improve nutritional interventions by reinforcing the interaction between the various actors in the program.
  • To develop a sustainable system that ends food wastage at all levels of supply chain from harvest to the consumption phase.
  • To mobilize various resources, to build a culture of innovation and to accomplish zero hunger.
  • To create and promote nationwide awareness and to bridge the gap of food insecurity.


Bangalore Food Bank was started on World Food Day, 16th October 2014, and registered as Feeding Bangalore Foundation on 24th December 2014 under Section 8 of the Companies Act 2013 with a vision to address the issues of hunger, malnutrition, and food wastage. The organization runs various programs such as "The NGO Feeding Program" to support NGOs running residential programs with their monthly grocery requirements, "Food Rescue Program" to prevent food wastage, “Fresh Produce Recovery Program” to reduce food wastage post-harvest, "School Feeding Program" to provide nutritious meals to children, and "Food Relief Programs" in emergency situations. Thanks to the support of our benefactor donors, Bangalore Food Bank has procured 1,045 tons of food products to date. Through this, we have been able to provide more than 1.22 crore feeds to the needy.

Our Impact










We, at Bangalore Food Bank, feed the hungry and the needy. We serve the hungry in the community through various feeding programmes such as "The NGO Feeding Program" to support NGOs running residential programs with their monthly grocery requirements, "Food Rescue Program" to prevent food wastage, “Fresh Produce Recovery Program” to reduce food wastage post-harvest, "School Feeding Program" to provide nutritious meals to and "Food Relief Programs" in emergency situations. Bangalore Food Bank acquires donations in the form of dry shelf stable food, fresh produce or monitory aids to feed the poor, through a network of community-owned agencies and NGOs.

We help corporates in the food industry to extend your supply chain, past the end of the commercial line into an effective distribution through a philanthropic extension. This is important because food banks help corporates to continue to see their products used for their intended purpose, which is feeding people, rather than it being 'dumped' at landfills, even though the commercial value may have ceased to be viable at some point up the commercial chain.

This way, the excess food is used for its intended purpose, and you will be looked at as a socially responsible organization who cares enough. This is your opportunity to invest in Social Return on Investment (SROI) and corporate goodwill. In this way, we strengthen the community and also, protect the environment. That is the power of food banking.

Our processes

  • 01

    Donated provisions received at our current LEED certified and FSSAI compliant warehouse, checked for food safety and weighed.

  • 02

    Goods acknowledged and stamped by warehouse and sorted as per the distribution list.

  • 03

    The goods are distributed within 3 days to NGOs with an ‘Outward Receipt’ Form stamped by NGO

  • 04

    The details of records are shared with the donor and a hungry stomach receives a healthy meal!

  • 01

    Donate consumable but unsellable food (fruits & vegetables) and we'll redistribute it to NGOs. (No cooked food.)

  • 02

    The receiving NGO will take responsibility, and will directly sort, collect, and accept the produce.

  • 03

    The process can be carried out on a daily/every three days basis as suitable to donor organisation

  • 04

    BFB monitors the processes, maintains records and a hungry stomach receives a healthy meal!

  • 01

    Receive the donation 

  • 02

    Allocate to the respective project as per the donors interest

  • 03

    Purchase and deliver the food grains to the beneficiaries

  • 04

    Periodic monitoring and evaluation and curate the Feedback Report

Bangalore Food Bank’s initiatives align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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