Project Abstract – Food Rescue Program

In the 2024 Global Hunger Index, India ranks 105th out of the 127 countries with a score of 27.3, portraying that India has a level of hunger that is serious. As per the Global Nutrition Reports, 53% of women aged 15 to 49 years have anaemia. 34.7% of children under 5 years of age are affected with stunting (too short for their age), 17.3% of children under 5 years of age are affected with wasting, meaning their weight is too low for their height.

This initiative supports SDG 2: Zero Hunger by addressing food insecurity and SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production by reducing food wastage.

At the same time, India is one of the topmost countries that wastes large quantities of food every day. According to the FAO estimates, nearly 40% of the food produced in India is lost or wasted. Food loss and waste have significant negative impact on the food-security, economic and environmental conditions.

Our Food Rescue Program facilitates a sustainable operation which creates a supportive environment that can procure food materials close to its expiry or best before date and make these available to those in need through a network of local community owned agencies (NGOs). The program saves an average of 2 to 3 tons of surplus food materials from being wasted every month.

Our Objectives Are:

  • To prevent food wastage
  • To procure the surplus food and distribute the same to the needy
  • To eradicate hunger and malnutrition
  • To create and promote nationwide awareness

How We Do This:

The program will identify potential sources of surplus food like food manufacturers, retailers, suppliers, restaurants and other major stake holders of the food supply chain. The next step is to make them aware of the Food Rescue Program where they can send the food materials that are nearing the expiry date but unfortunately can’t make it to the destination or consumers. On confirmation, the food will be collected by Bangalore Food Bank and assessed for its safety to consume. In the final stage, the foods will be distributed to the needy people through various community organizations that have grass root level connections with the society.